The Town of Wake Forest, American Legion Post 187, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 187, American Legion Riders, Wake Forest Memorial VFW Post 8466, the Wake Forest Purple Heart Foundation, and Marine Corps League Detachment 1257 honor the sacrifices of deceased Wake Forest Veterans and their families. These services are provided at no cost and provided solely to pay tribute to the service and memory of deceased Wake Forest veterans, while also acknowledging the sacrifices of their families.

Each ceremony features patriotic songs, special remarks, a memorial wreath laying and the ceremonial flag-raising by the Wake Forest Fire Department Honor Guard. After raising the American flag, the WFFD Honor Guard raises the service flag representing the military branch in which the honoree served. Both flags fly in Centennial Plaza throughout the remainder of the month.
Come join us. Please arrive at 221 Brooks Street, Wake Forest by 10:30 AM for the ceremony.