Monthly Reading of the Names
All those who fought and served their country when they received the call, were men and women of courage, judgment, integrity and dedication. Where does dedication end? You can never put an end to dedication. After all, those who remain Prisoners of War or are still Missing in Action are still serving with never ending dedication. For them, it can never be over. For us, we can never let their sacrifices, or they themselves, be forgotten. 
To help us remember, the Vietnam Veterans of America hosts a monthly reading of the names of each of North Carolina's remaining POW/MIAs from the Vietnam era. This brief but moving ceremony takes place at Noon on the first Saturday of each month (rain or shine) at the Vietnam Memorial on the grounds of the State Capitol in Raleigh. It will continue to take place as long as there is even one name left on the list. We encourage you to attend and honor those who could not be present because their whereabouts are unknown.
Of note, it is VFW Post 8466's distinct honor and privilege to perform the ceremony in November of each year by having Post members read the names. We would be most gratified if you would join us each month, but particularly on the first Saturday in November.